Why the Students in Medellin do not Show the Sexual Education Received at School – Adolescents, Parents and Teachers Speak Out
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This article is the result of a research about “The influence of the Project of Sexual Education received at school on beliefs, attitudes and sexual behavior of the adolescents in the metropolitan area of Medellín “. The research was carried out in 2009, and its objective was to clear up the influence influence of this Project on beliefs, attitudes and sexual behavior of the adolescents of five schools which took part in a previous research. The methodology used was the qualitative approach, the theoretical sampling, the systematic revisión of Projects of Sexual Education, non participative observation, Deep interviews and focal groups playing as data collecting techniques. The analysis and the debate around the gathered information made possible to corroborate the inconsistencies of the design of the projects, the shortcomings of the academic and scientific formation of teachers on matters related to sexual education, their methodology not very participative and the lack of evaluation and feedback in the teaching process; all these develop in the students resistance to remember, to learn and to appropriate what they are taught. $ey give more easily credit to the information they get from their friends and comrades through e-mails or in the internet.
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