The Search for God Spiritual theology in Benedict XVI speech to the Bernardines´ Collège in Paris

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Juan David Quintero Molina


This text is an analysis of the speech given by Pope Benedict XVI in September 12, 2008 in Paris, in the auditorium which belonged once to the monastery of
the Bernardines. After giving the contents of the speech, the author presents three analyses: the first is christological and anthropological; the second is a
liturgical and pneumatological interpretation; and the third bears some ideas to understand better the spiritual proposal concealed in the speech. At the end, there are three witnesses given by those present at the event. "e main purpose is to show the search for God as a search that is common to all human beings, where the contribution given by christianity is not an elaborated discourse on that search but the testimony of men and women who have met with a God very close to us.

Benedict XVI Theology Christology Liturgy Spiritual theology


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Benedicto XVI. (2008, Noviembre 12). Encuentro con el mundo de la cultura en el collège des bernardins. Recuperado de: http//

Giuliani, Emmanuelle. (2008). Le discours au monde de la culture ou « l’audace » de Benoît XVI. Recuperado de:

Martini, Carlo. (1997). El itinerario del discípulo. A la luz del Evangelio de Lucas. Santander: Sal terrae.

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Author Biography

Juan David Quintero Molina, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Teólogo por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, estudios teológicos en el Instituto Teológico de París. Roma.