Postmodernity and Christian Humanism

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Rino Fisichella


Where is the starting point to think over christian humanism? What is the role that should play the concept of natural law in christian humanism? These are the questions stated in this article by Dr. Fisichella. He starts his narrative by dealing wich the changing of time wich could be represented by this momento in history; ¿what does it mean? (an end or a a beginning?).The autor approaches the concern of “choosing rights à la carte” and, after going through this notion and its developments, he proposes the concept of natural law as a basis for his reflection.

Humanism Natural Law Christian Humanism Ethics Postmodernity


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Article Details

Author Biography

Rino Fisichella, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Teología. Presidente de Consejo Pontificio para la Promoción de la Nueva evangelización. Ciudad del Vaticano.