inking About an Action: the Task of Contemporary Sacramental eology

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Nicola Reali


The study of the developments of contemporary sacramental theology – from Casel till nowadays – highlights the links between the sacramental matter and one of the most decisive stimuli to retthink the fundamentalhorizon which guides the practical theological method as such. This happens thanks to a resolute victory over any rationalist or intellectualist temptation, and in the same time, stressing the practical character of the sacramental-liturgical action, which is insuperable.These are the premises which enable us to read the map of the sacramental thinking today, in a unifying manner, without letting aside the renewed dialogue with philosophical disciplines.

Sacraments Action Contemporary sacramental theology Relationship between philosophy/theology Freedom


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Author Biography

Nicola Reali, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en sagrada teología en la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense (Roma), Licenciado en Teología sistemática en la Facultad Teológica de l’Italia del Norte (Milán), Profesor de eclesiología y de antropología teológica en la Facultad de Teología de l’Italia Central (Florencia) y profesor encargado de teología en I´Instituto Pastoral Redemptor Hominis.