The Evangelization Seen from the Pedagogical Care of the Priest from the Archidiocese of Medellin

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Luis Guillermo Orozco Sánchez


The prsent situation of the Church in Medellín invites to rethink: how is the evangelization, how are the ways taken to transmit the message of salvation to the parishes and how thw complete formation is carried out as transversal axis which make possible the harmonious progress of culture in the society.  The presence of the Church in Medellín, within the pastoral planning and the continental mission, ensures the active and inclusive participation in the formative-educative knowledges proposed by the objective, systematic and critical approach to the world of education. This article aims to make an analysis of the pedagogical methods which must be used to evangelize and, of course, to make a research about the knowledge used by of the priests of the archidiocesis of Medellín to evangelize wich objetivity and discipline, helped by the pedagogical sciences which teach how to learn and how to learn to teach. This article wants the diocesan priests to be aware of the necessity of a pedagogical formation which may contribute to the transformation of the parrochial comunities.

Evangelization Didactics Pastoral care Clergy Parrochial community


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Article Details

Author Biography

Luis Guillermo Orozco Sánchez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Educación por el Instituto Católico de Paris. Francia. Especialista en gerencia educativa por la Universidad de San Buenaventura. Medellín. Teólogo por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín-Colombia. Pedagogo por la Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana. Medellín-Colombia. Docente investigador de la Escuela de Educación y Pedagogía de la UPB - Medellín. Aspirante al doctorado en Filosofía de la UPB.