Pragamalinguistic Analysis of 1 cor 9, 24-27. Sports in a Pauline Perspective.

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Tomas Emilio Bolaño Mercado


The pragmatic, narrative and semantic analysis of 1 Cor 9, 24-27 done on the Textus receptus of the Greek New Testament, with the literal translation of Lacueva, the dynamic version of the Nueva Biblia Española and within the literary context and dynamic versión of the Nueva Biblia Española and within the sportive language of the Isthmic Games to exhort Christians to the ascetic life. The pragmatic use done afterwards by the Church of this verses suggests a way of interpretation which can contribute to the development of the Christian thinking on sports. The examination of the immediate and following efeects produced by this text in the Church teachings on Christian spirituality and the sports suggests a method which could go hand in hand with the theological discernment on modern sports.

Sports Paul Pragmalinguistics analysis Pauline metaphors Sports spirituality


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Author Biography

Tomas Emilio Bolaño Mercado, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor Honorius Causa por la Organzación de las amercas para la excelencia educativa - Brazil. Doctor Honoris Causa por el Concejo Iberoamericano en honor a la calidad educativa - Perú. Magister en teología por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana- Medellín-Colombia. Especialista en Sistemas de información por la Universidad EAFIT. Medellín- Colombia. Es profesor de Historia del deporte en el Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid y profesor de Cristología en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín-Colombia.