The Christian Paradigm of inking. Christians Cultural Revolution

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Adolfo Galeano A.


Few thinkers have so insightfully captured the transmutation of the values held by Christianism, as did Friedrich Nietzsche. In his hatred of Christianity
was acute. It certainly caught a lot but not everything. In this article, from an examination of what the Christian paradigm of thought is, this transmutation
is considered that is a revolution. Clearly the Christian paradigm of thinking comes from Jesus and involves the contributions of Paul, but at the same
time, the cultural background of Jesus was Judaism, where it starts the change of mentality that carries both the Bible and all of Christianity. Considered here are three words that summarize the trasmutation of securities made by Christianity, which also express the novelty that it has given the world: these
words are agape, the eschaton, and crucified.

Paradigm Banquet Esjaton Sarx Weltanschauung


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Author Biography

Adolfo Galeano A., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Teología por la Universidad Gregoriana, Roma. Licenciado en Teología por la misma Universidad Licenciado en Filosofía en la Universidad de San Buenaventura. Actualmente profesor de teología en la Universidad Ponti/cia Bolivariana.