"e reception of “Dei Verbum” in the “Verbum Domini” document
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the dogmatic Constitution “Dei Verbum”, the magisterial document by excellence on the Divine Revelation, is one of the magisterial and theological
sources of the Apostolic Exhortation “Verbum Domini”. The Constitution incidence on the Exhortation is perceived, particularly, when theological themes
about inspiration and truth in the Bible are tackled. Here we have one of the neuralgic points concerning the relationship between the magisterial documents. On the other hand, the citations of the Dei Verbum in the Verbum Domini, give a glimpse of the main concern of the bishops, when it comes to verify the praxis of the instructions given by the Second Vatican Council, and to confront the new challenges ofered to the believers by our times. Their concern is more magisterial and disciplinary than academic or pastoral.
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