God´s absence as the paradigm of his presence

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Stéphane Vinolo


This article studies the state of the question of god inde contex of the a secularized world. Against the apparent forgetfulness of God, the absence of God is proposed as a radical and specific way of his presence in our times. Following this judgmend, the interpretation of those who claim the triumph secularization is reversed, probing so the presence and relevance of Christian values in our globalized world. Thus is that our secular society, by denying any existence to god, finally reveals the only God believed by Christians, the God of love.

God Secularization Being Non-existence Love


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Author Biography

Stéphane Vinolo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Filosofía por la Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III. Regent’s College, London – Departement of Languages and Cross Cultural Studies.