Humanism on the challenge of the dialogue between faith and reason in the post secular society

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Guillermo L. Herrera Gil
Daniel Pérez Valencia


Secularization, as a product of Modernity, seeks for the independence of reason from any influence of religious or moral nature. In a society that feels doubtful about the diverse religious experience, the believer citizens should not give up their identity, but at the same time should learn how to establish a dialogue with those who, in terms of Habermas, might be called secular citizens. The following research aims to create connections that enable a dialogue between Faith and Reason in a Post Secular Society. From a systematic and interpretative study of the vision we have on Humanism, especially in the modern period, it is intended to find common ground between the ways of thinking, both secular and religious, which allows seeing that fine thread that leads both positions towards some shared concerns: man, his cause and his fate.

Christianity Religious conflict Humanism Religious freedom Rationalism


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Author Biographies

Guillermo L. Herrera Gil, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magíster en Filosofía por la Universidad Pontificia Regina Apostolorum, Roma. Docente investigador de la Universidad Católica de Oriente. Director del grupo de investigación Kénosis. Artículo resultado de la investigación “Humanismo y Universidad Católica: perspectivas y retos desde la formación humanista”.

Daniel Pérez Valencia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Pontificia Regina Apostolorum, Roma. Coordinador del centro de humanidades de la Universidad Católica de Oriente. Miembro del grupo de investigación “Kénosis”. El articulo pertenece al proyecto de investigación Humanismo y universidad, CIDI UPB 2012.