Sin as Dehumanization in the Aparecida Document

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Juan Diego Giraldo Aristizábal


An actual understanding of sin is one of the main challenges of theology, since it is not always understood in a Christological perspective. The lack of such
a perspective leads to think that talking about sin is but a whim of few who do not desire for human development. The aim of the research presented in
the following paper is to show that we cannot have an authentic hamartiology without a proper soteriology because there is no “Theological Anthropology”
without “Christology”. A reading of the paragraph 104 of the Aparecida Document is presented and its perspectives widen in order to conclude that sin
cannot be understood as a whim of God, but as a whole reality that opposes God’s loving project for man, which is revealed by Jesus. It is only in and
through Jesus Christ that we might understand the truth about man and, therefore, everything that blurs his mystery. If God really wishes for man to be
authentically human, then sin is truly dehumanization.

Christ, Man, Sin, Salvation, Dignity


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