Bible: written and oral revelation

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Frédéric Manns


The paper deals with the Revelation of God which occurs in the mode of the Word. The Word is considered both in its spoken and written modes. The two phenomena which are more closely related to the Revelation of the Word of God are Prophetism and Eucharist. Both phenomena are studied in the following paper according to the books of the Old Testament and some other Jewish and Rabbinical sources.

Word of God Decalogue Judaism Prophetism Eucharist


Alonso Fontela, C. (1987). El targum al Cantar de los cantares. Madrid: Editorial de la Universidad Complutense.

AAVV. (2009). Biblia de Jerusalén. Bilbao: Desclee de Brouwer.

Concilio Vaticano II. (1965). Constitución dogmática Dei Verbum Roma: Editrice Vaticana.

De Lubac, H. (1959). Meditación sobre la Iglesia. Bilbao: Desclee de Brouwer.

Mowinckel, S. (1921-1924). Psalmenstudien, Vols. I-VI. Kristiania: SNVAO.

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Author Biography

Frédéric Manns, Studium biblicum franciscanum

Padre franciscano. Doctor en Sagrada Escritura por la Pontificia Comisión Bíblica (Roma). Exdirector de la Facultad de Ciencias Bíblicas de Jerusalén (Studium biblicum franciscanum), donde es profesor ordinario de exégesis neotestamentaria, exégesis hebraica y hermenéutica.