Existential Emptiness and the Loss of the Meaning of Life in the Postmodern Subject: Challenges for Christianity in the Twenty-First Century

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Paula Andrea Giraldo Patiño


Postmodernity is a current problem that is being discussed from the perspective
of several disciplines. One of the reasons for such a discussion is that our
time is defined by very particular features which have contributed to the
sociocultural transformations that have been taking place since the last century
and that nowadays directly affects the humanization of the postmodern
subject. Therefore, the aim of the following paper is to theologically analyze
the existential emptiness which emerges as a consequence of the human being
having lost the meaning of life in postmodernity, in order to throw some light
upon human existence and understand it through God. Based on a documentary
research, it is proposed that postmodern reality should not be perceived
negatively like Christianity commonly does. On the contrary, it should be seen
as a time of challenges and opportunities for the present-day believers. Such
challenges suggest, among other things, the necessity for a reconfiguration within the Church, so that Her message of redemption might be so inclusive
and believable (in testimonial terms) that it might reach everyone, especially those who have lost their meaning of life and have not been able to undertake their own humanization. 

Postmodernity Secularization Meaning of Life New Evangelization Christianity


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Article Details

Author Biography

Paula Andrea Giraldo Patiño, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Especialista en Docencia Investigativa Universitaria por la Fundación Universitaria Luis
Amigó (Medellín-Colombia, 2010). Docente de la Facultad de Filosofía y Teología de la
misma universidad. Miembro del grupo de investigación “Filosofía y Teología Crítica”.
El artículo pertenece al proyecto de investigación Análisis teológico del vacío existencial
y de la búsqueda de trascendencia en el sujeto postmoderno.