The God of Jesus and the cultural and religious borders o deus de jesus e as fronteiras culturais e religiosas

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Carlos Gil Arbiol


Intercultural contemporary societies pose challenges to modern citizens, as ancient Greco-Roman Empire posed to Jesus and his first followers many centuries ago. Globalization, migrations and colonialism, among others issues, bring about nowadays problems and possibilities similar to those faced by the first Christians. Jesus of Nazareth offered answers based in his religious experience, which produced a new representation of the God of Israel. His understanding of Yahve boosted him to reformulate basic principles of his own religion, such as purity, holiness or ethnicity. In addition, he created new intercultural spaces in which those excluded by the religious authorities could encounter God face to face.

Jesus Israel Cultural Identity Marginality Representation of God


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Article Details

Author Biography

Carlos Gil Arbiol, Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao, España)

Doctor en Teología (2001). Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao, España), Grupo de Investigación sobre los Orígenes del Cristianismo: "Evolución de las prácticas y las creencias en el naciente cristianismo".