Healthy lifestyles and mass media: analysis on pregnant women in high complexity health institution in Medellín
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Objective: To characterize the pregnant women in the formation of healthy living habits, in relation to communication media and health personnel as sources of information. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in postpartum women attended in a highly complex institution. Sociodemographic variables of interest were included in relation to the contribution of the media in the change of health care habits and lifestyles. An exploratory bivariate analysis was performed, with OR calculation and 95% confidence intervals. Results: 49% of the surveyed women considered the importance of the media on the perceived healthy habits during pregnancy, in relation to the feeding and care of the baby. Approximately 95% said they understood the instructions given by the health personnel. The associations between some sociodemographic variables (area of residence, marital status and level of schooling) were significant with the perception of the importance or contribution of the media and their possible influence on the care habits and lifestyles of the pregnant women. Conclusions: it is necessary to go deeply on analytical investigations to demonstrate the influence of the media on habits during pregnancy. It is necessary the participation of health personnel in the dissemination of information related to the care and development of pregnancy, through means such as the Internet and mobile telephony, which involve sociodemographic characteristics such as level of studies and occupation.
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