ISSN: 2357-6308 (Online)| DOI: 10.18566/medupb
Aims and Scope: Official publication of the School of Health Sciences of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, its objective is the publication of articles of excellent quality in the themes of the basic and clinical health sciences, public health, health administration and related areas . The journal is aimed at students, teachers and researchers and is open to the participation of authors from outside the publishing entity. UPB Medicine has a biannual publication period (two issues per year: January-June and July-December).
Open access declaration: Medicina UPB publishes in open access without charging a fee to the authors. When an article is published, anyone has immediate access to the full text for reading, downloading, distribution and printing without the need for registration, subscription or payment.
Current Issue
Vol. 43 No. 2 (2024): July - December
Original Articles
Review Articles
Case Report
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