Priests from Other Places: A Necessary and Urgent Systemic Approach
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A brief review of the literature on the topic of priests coming from other places to serve in Western countries reveals an initial conclusion: there is very little research on this subject. This opens up serious and complex questions. When an important topic is ignored, it becomes a taboo (psychological dimension) or a blind spot (structural dimension). To foster an urgent and necessary reflection, I propose the hypothesis that the approach everywhere is almost exclusively personal and clerical (1), whereas in reality, it is a systemic issue (2). Thus, answers must be systemic. The article is structured into three main sections. The first, “The Difficulty of Moving Beyond an Almost Exclusively Personal and Clerical Approach,” addresses the challenges of overcoming this approach, including the need for investment in preparation and reception (1.1), the lack of attention to beneficiaries (1.2), and the increasing complexity of the priesthood (1.3). The second section, “A Necessary and Urgent Systemic Approach,” emphasizes the importance of a broader perspective, analyzing two attempts by the Magisterium (2.1), the effects of a strong pastoral option (2.2), and whether this has hindered ecclesial renewal (2.3). The third section, “And Now What?”, outlines the next steps to be taken.
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