Christian Asceticism and Sustainable Lifestyle: A Dialogue Between Ecotheology and the Orthodox Theologian Elizabeth Theokritoff
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The article explores the original contribution of Orthodox theologian Elizabeth Theokritoff to ecotheology, particularly her proposal to integrate Christian asceticism into a sustainable lifestyle. Drawing from Eastern patristic theology, Theokritoff argues that Christian ascesis does not imply a disdain for the material world but rather self-limitation to overcome consumerism and establish a relationship of communion with creation. She highlights God's immanence in creation through the logoi present in every creature, which are manifested in the incarnate Word (Christ) and fulfilled in the eschatological glorification of matter. The author integrates the ascetic ethos into the Eucharistic and sacramental ethos, avoiding a reduction of ascesis to mere rules. Her approach enables a positive vision of the human body and matter as destined to partake in God's glory, a spirituality that embraces creation as part of God's salvific plan, and a novel path for ecological conversion from a Christian perspective.
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