The narrative of the rich man and the beggar: an investigation from the perspective of greimassian semiotics

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Adriano da Silva Carvalho


The biblical passage from Luke 16, 19-31 is one of the most cited and discussed in the New Testament. However, when analyzed based on the relationships engendered following the narrated facts, a series of presupposed narrative programs contributes to the elucidation of the meaning of this text. This research, therefore, will analyze the aforementioned passage from the perspective of Greimasian semiotics. The method aims to reveal the generative path of meaning and highlight the intratextual elements, which make up the path of construction of the meaning of the passage. It allows you to analyze your superficial and deep structures: it goes from the simple to the complex, from the most abstract to the most concrete. It can thus highlight the semantic oppositions from which the meaning of the text and its fundamental semantic category are constituted. The method has the potential to represent the relational organization between the social conditions of the subjects of the narrative. Furthermore, it provides neutral methodological support that avoids a priori conclusions and bias. The analysis of intertextuality completes the process started with Greimasian semiotics. This is because a careful reading of Lc 16,19-31 will not ignore its immediate and broader context: Luke and Acts read sequentially. By placing the parable in this broader narrative, Luke's readers could perceive connective elements, linking the story told by Jesus to what was happening in the early church. Thus, in Jesus' mouth the story of the rich man and the beggar was told as a criticism of avarice, but in Luke's editorial plan it was used to challenge believers to get involved in caring for the poor.

Luke Rich Beggar Semiotics Greimas Parable Binarism Bible and literature Interpretation Semantics


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Article Details

Author Biography

Adriano da Silva Carvalho

I'm a theologian, I have a Master's degree in Hermeneutic Studies, New Testament and Divinity - CPAJ-Mackenzie/SP - Brazil.

"My research is concentrated in the areas of Biblical Exegesis; History of philosophy; French line discourse analysis and philosophical hermeneutics"

I was a professor at the Department of Classic and Vernacular Languages at the Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Integrada - IBEI from February 2012 to July 2023.

I taught Philosophy and Sociology in High School (Cnec: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) and Greek, Hebrew and Research Methodology in Higher Education at the Brazilian Institute of Integrated Education - IBEI: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil; and Greek, Hebrew and Research Methodology in Undergraduate Theology courses in some Theological Seminaries in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

I was director (Unit Coordinator) of the Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica - FAETEC - Magé/Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

I have 15 books published - Editora Reflexão: São Paulo - Brazil

I have written more than a dozen academic articles that have been published in peer-reviewed journals from Brazil and the United States.

I published my first book: "A crítica e o texto do Novo Testamento" in 2017; and my first academic article: "Deus e a felicidade em Epicuro" in 2019.

My books and articles have been mentioned (cited) in Monographs, Master's Dissertations and Doctoral Theses, for example:

(1) In Fernando Curtti Gibin's doctoral thesis entitled "De crime à criminalização de sua aversão: a prática sexual dissidente em discursos institucionais" presented to the Graduate Program in Linguistics at UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS – SP - Brazil. Year: 2023.
(2) In the Dissertation by Wesley Mateus Dias entitled "As relações dialógicas dos nomes das operações da lava jato" presented to the Graduate Program in Letters at UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE MARINGÁ - PARANÁ - BRAZIL as a partial requirement to obtain the title of Master in Letters. Year: 2022.
(3) In the Dissertation by Vamberto Marinho de Arruda Junior entitled "A força da palavra do mestre e a adesão do discípulo: exegese pragmalinguística de Lucas 5,1-11" presented to the examining board of the PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DE SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL as a requirement for obtaining the degree of Master. Year: 2022.
(4) In the Monograph by Anderson Weige Dias entitled "A primeira oração de Jesus na Cruz: análise textual e interpretação Bíblica" presented as a requirement of the Bachelor of Theology course at BATISTA FACULDADES DO PARANÁ - BRAZIL. Year: 2019.
(5) In the article "O cristianismo e a desigualdade social à luz da parábola do rico e do mendigo Lázaro" published in the REVISTA ATUALIDADE TEOLÓGICA - PUC/Rio (ATeo, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 69, p. 176-197, Jan./June.2022).
(6) In the article "O pecado de Davi: um estudo bíblico de (Sl 51) " published (2023) by Reflexus Magazine - FACULDADE UNIDA DE VITÓRIA – BRAZIL : v. 17 n. 1 (2023).
(7) In the article "Análise textual da primeira oração de Jesus na cruz" published (2019) in REVISTA TEOLOGIA E ESPIRITUALIDADE - Faculdade Cristã de Curitiba – FCC BRASIL(vol.6 n 12 Dec/2019 p.141-155).

I was a pastor for twenty years (20), but in 2017 I decided to leave the religious organization I was a part of (Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil); since then I dedicate myself exclusively to teaching and literary production.