Methodological contributions to the scholarly study of ancient Christian literature

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Samuel Fernández


This article studies the methodology of a scholarly work on ancient Christian literature. Its objective is to offer elements of methodology for those who approach ancient Christian literature with a scholarly perspective. Therefore, it has a practical purpose: to guide scholars of this discipline, especially those who are new to it. To this end, the introduction of the article seeks to clarify both the perspective and the object of this type of studies. The body of the text is then divided into two parts. The first describes each of the stages in the development of a research work and the relationship that should exist between its different sections. The second part provides some guidelines for the analysis of texts from the patristic period, that is, it proposes guidelines for the historical understanding of ancient Christian sources. The conclusion briefly discusses the relationship between history and theology

Patristics Methodology Theology History


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Article Details

Author Biography

Samuel Fernández, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Teología