Christian Life and Secularization in the First Centuries (III-V) and in the Last Ones (XVI-XXI)

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Rossano Zas Friz


The Roman Empire was radically transformed in the way it interpreted itself mentally, imaginatively and discursively between the third and fifth centuries of our era, thanks to the influence of the Christian life proposed by the Church. The Western societies that inherited and assumed that transformation have suffered, in turn, in the last centuries (XVI-XXI) another radical transformation in the way of interpreting themselves from their social imaginary, due to the loss of social influence of the Church. In the first case it is a process of de-secularization, in the second of secularization. This research proposes a reflection on this fact from two key concepts: Christian life and secularization. Christian life is that in which decisions are made based on Christian revelation oriented towards transforming union in God through love; it implies a transcendent, metahistorical and eschatological sense of existence. Secularization is the process that has led to the progressive disappearance of Christian life in the social imaginary of societies of ancient Christian tradition. Thus, the proposed theme is developed in four parts: (1) presentation of the Roman religion and (2) how Christianity de-secularized it, and then (3) the current secularization process and (4) its influence on Christian life

Christian life Secularization Social immaginary Roman religión Christianity


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