Staying in the Cell. Acedia as a Problem and Its Remedies in Patristic Wisdom

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Tamara Saeteros


The general objective of this work is to study the main remedies that patristic wisdom used against the temptation of acedia, the most important of them being the permanence of the monk in the cell. Its specific objectives will seek to trace in the Apothegms of the Desert Fathers and in the ascetic writings of Evagrius Ponticus the characterization of acedia as a disease of the soul and its cure in “being patient”. A comparative analysis is also proposed with the acedia of contemporary man, immersed in the society of acceleration, transparency and consumption, which prevent him from guarding his heart as the privileged place of encounter with himself and with God. The central hypothesis is that the main remedy against acedia may be remaining in the cell. The methodology to be used will be that of patristic hermeneutics, which consists of a careful reading of the sources, a dialogue with the authors and their texts in order to confront them with the vicissitudes that the men of this century deal with to preserve inner stillness. The results of the application of this method are to find out how the man of the 21st century can make the domain of the cell his own and thus overcome acedia, understood as a disease of the soul that prevents the connection with himself, with the subjectivities close to him, with the created world and with its Creator.

Patristic spirituality Desert Fathers Evagrius Ponticus Logismoi Midday demon Acedia


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Article Details

Author Biography

Tamara Saeteros, a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:27:"UNIVERSIDAD SERGIO ARBOLEDA";}

Doctora en Filosofía Contemporánea y Estudios Clásicos