Language and religious practice: Wittgenstein and his idea of religion as the practice of a better life

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Freddy Santamaría-Velasco
Dora A. Ramírez-Vallejo


To approach the philosophy of religion from a mystical perspective is a difficult task. In the early Wittgenstein, that of the Tractatus, we see a confrontation between the mystic and the theologian. For this Wittgenstein, God is ineffable, not present or revealed, not historical, not personal, but totality; that is, mystery. As Wittgenstein emphasizes, a religion that addresses the unexplainable is ultimately religious action, human behaviors that grow strong from beliefs, becoming religious practices. Therefore, this article aims to analyze religion as a meaningful practice to have a meaningful existence. This task is carried out through Wittgenstein's second philosophy until proposing a reading of practical life from the idea of linguistic community fully developed in his Philosophical Investigations. The methodology is framed in an analytical approach, with documentary collection technique and analysis of these sources in the light of the research problem posed. In conclusion, religion is highlighted as the practice of a better life, that is, with an inexorable ethical attitude.

Language, Religious Practice, Religious Certainty, Linguistic Community, Pragmatics, Wittgenstein


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