Nicholas M. Healy’s ethnographic ecclesiology: Reflections on the use of qualitative research in ecclesiology

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Virginia Raquel Azcuy


The frequent distance existing between the concrete Church and ecclesiology poses urgent challenges for the systematic theology of our time. In the Latin American context, this is related to the reception of the inductive method, assumed by the pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes, which has had and still has a decisive impact on the configuration of the ecclesial being and on the way of doing theology in the region. In this horizon, this article presents some results of a recent study on the use of "ethnography" in ecclesiology. The objectives set were to clarify the empirical utility, the epistemological validity and the pastoral function of the qualitative method in the field of ecclesiology. The first part of this text presents the problem and its scope in relation to the conceptual framework. The second part is oriented to revisiting and receiving the contributions of the American Catholic theologian Nicholas Healy, as part of an extensive production in the English-speaking area. His main contributions are the critique of the blueprint ecclesiologies, the assumption of the “theodramatic” horizon and the proposal of an “ethnographic ecclesiology.” The conclusions highlight some current challenges for systematic theology; the need to assume the reality of the concrete Church, the ecclesial crisis and the signs of renewal in ecclesiology; the relevance of the relationship between ethnography and ecclesiology before the ecclesial dimensions that call for reform and reconciliation, as well as the most significant contributions of N. Healy to be retaken in the Latin American context.

Ethnographic ecclesiology, Ecclesiology and ethnography, Concrete Church, Nicholas M. Healy, Cartographic ecclesiologies, Qualitative method in theology, Inductive method, Second Vatican Council, Latin American reception, Signs of the times


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