The strategy of coexistence in the First Letter of Peter. An example of the application of the sociological method 'spatial critique'

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María José Schultz Montalbetti


The objective of this work is to offer a new reading key of the strategy of the First Letter of Peter. The result is the product of a sociological exegesis based on the methodology that spatial critique proposes to apply to the object of study; as an example, 1 Peter 2:11-17 is analyzed. The contribution of these methodological tools is the appreciation of the emphasis, points of encounter and differences between the prevailing ideology in Mediterranean society in the 1st century and the discourse of the letter. The study of the spatial categories first, second and third space applied as heuristic questions to a representative fragment of the letter offers results that allow proposing a new appreciation of the author's strategy, the transformation of spaces of coexistence through the good conduct of the believers

First Letter of Peter Evangelization Mission Spatial Criticism Third Space Sociological Exegesis


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Author Biography

María José Schultz Montalbetti, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Licenciada en Teología Bíblica por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca y doctora en Teología por la Universidad de Deusto. Actualmente pertenece al equipo de investigación ITEV de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez.