An Interdisciplinary Anthropological Approach to Augustine’s Theory of Time

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Zhang Zinan


This article attempts to explore Augustine’s discussions on the issue of time from methodology and to propose some potential areas for future research to focus on. To achieve this, I start by illustrating the prominent role of philosophy in arousing interest in the theme through a brief historical introduction to the reception of Book XI of Confessiones. After introducing the dominance of the philosophical approach, this paper turns to the challenge and supplementation of the textual and historical methods, while highlighting how they are still limited by abstract philosophical concepts. In response to the shortcomings of existing research, I suggest that the root of its problem is the philosophical approach that reduces Augustine to static ideas. Then, I advocate an interdisciplinary and holistic approach based on different anthropological views. In the next section, through analysis of the methods and perspectives of Augustine in his discussion of time in De Ordine, my research intends to reveal Augustine’s complicated intellectual background and reconstruct it through interdisciplinary methods. Based on the universality of knowledge in the natural sciences, the theories and methods of modern physics may be a potential tool to examine Augustine’s conclusions and arguments. The recent focus of psychology on temporal cognition could also be helpful in answering Augustine’s doubts. The latest developments in technology, such as deep learning, can then help clarify Augustine’s terminology at the semantic level. These instrumental methods ultimately characterise Augustine’s own motivations and intentions. By appreciating his theological concerns and personal style, a theological-anthropological approach is hopeful to coordinate other methods and leads to a proper image of Augustine.

Augustine, Time, Methodology, Science, Theological Anthropology, Confessiones, De Ordine, Interdisciplinary Methods


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