Methods of Biblical Exegesis
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Biblical texts are the product of a sometimes long and complex writing process. They were written in social and cultural circumstances that left marks in the content. The authors followed literary guidelines according to the purpose of the different writings and represent the intent to respond to situations in the target communities that challenged their religious faith. Knowing this complexity of elements that are "behind the text" is a requirement for the Bible scholar if he wants to access the richness of its content and the meaning it had for the first readers. Therefore, biblical study requires methodological processes appropriate to the characteristics of the texts that allow discovering their depth and relevance for the Church today. The scientific tradition has been developing different methods of proven effectiveness that today seem to be essential for the academic study of the meaning of biblical texts. This article exposes them grouped into three categories: diachronic, synchronic and contextual. Previously, the necessary steps to begin work with the texts of Scripture are explained.
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