Empirical-theological studies and their contribution to the development of theology: Considerations based on doctoral research on youth religiosity in Santiago de Chile

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Catalina Cerda-Planas


Given the proven partiality in understanding and knowledge about youth religiosity in Chile, usually observed from its level of (dis)connection with religious institutions and their systems of beliefs and practices, the research referred to here has sought to provide a broader and more complex view on the issue, as a fundamental basis for a richer theological-pastoral reflection on evangelization and youth. In addition, based on the understanding of history and human experience as a theological place, that is, as a place of God's revelation and articulation of faith, this research has also proposed to identify the contributions that current youth religiosity can give to theological work. To achieve these objectives, the method of empirical theology has been used, an intradisciplinary methodological proposal that involves the incorporation of empirical approaches within the processes of generating theological knowledge. After presenting the methodological proposal and its theological assumptions, the article concludes by analyzing the different levels and areas in which empirical-theological studies can contribute to the development of theology, in light of the specific experience of the research briefly outlined above.

Theology of History Lived Religion Theological Place Fundamental Practical Theology Theological Method Intradisciplinarity Empirical Theology Youth and Religion Youth and Transcendence Youth Religiosity in Chile


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Article Details

Author Biography

Catalina Cerda-Planas, Instituto Teológico Edigio Viganó, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile

Researcher at the Instituto Teológico Edigio Viganó, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile, and at the Institut für Weltkirche und Mission, Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Germany. Doctoral candidate in Theology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany. Master in Fundamental Theology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Master in Government and Society from the Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Canonical Bachelor in Theology from the Catholic University of Chile.