Towards a mystic-theology of donation

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Sonia Vargas-Andrade


The research presented here is a starting point, and not only a methodological one. The study points out that the French phenomenology taken as a path, that is, Jean Luc Marion's phenomenology of donation, is situated beyond/beyond metaphysics. It is well known that Marion distinguishes at least three metaphysical models in his works: that of substance and essence, that of causality, and the transcendental egological. The three models are criticized by the French phenomenologist for their insufficiency in reaching the original and its intelligibility. For Marion, the original is the donation. Therefore, following in the footsteps of Marion’s donation, the proposed method—a sort of hermeneutic circle presented in six steps—radicalizes the reduction. Yet, not only does it do it in an imaginative variation and possibility. Rather, it is confronted with the description of an effective and not only possible donation that occurs in the mystical experiences of Chiara Lubich. Following the proposal of the French phenomenologist, it applies the six steps of the proposed method to the Kantian counter-categories, where the "I" is reduced in the event of this donation, appearing as gifted, summoned and finally a witness, not only at the level of action and praxis, but more originally at the level of affectation or passion. This event occurs in Chiara Lubich's mystical experience called «fourth night».

Phenomenology Gift Donation Reduction Donated Affection Categories Mysticism Abandonment Fourth Night


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Author Biography

Sonia Vargas-Andrade, Facultad de Teología “San Pablo”- Universidad Católica Boliviana

Doctor in Dogmatic Theology from the Universidad del Salvador, Argentina, and the Istituto Universitario Sophia, Florence, Italy. Professor at the Faculty of Theology "San Pablo"- Universidad Católica Boliviana, Bolivia.