Rethink the religious phenomenon. Approach to the encounter between mysticism and the possibility of being

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Diego Fernando Valencia Castañeda


The meaning of life is found beyond eschatological concepts that, on occasions, separate human beings from their constitution as a project. This meaning can be founded, from a Heideggerian perspective, in the “fact” of being-in-the-world. This conception gives rise to the need to better understand the phenomenon of religious life as a manifestation of the search for meaning that continues to question the human being who returns to the religious phenomenon that seeks an answer to his search for the meaning of life and the fact that such a search
refers to the very mystery of existing. The human being of the religious phenomenon is not exempt from the tentatio, considered by primitive Christianity as a dispersion. Such tentatio, however, could be an element of great value in life, to the extent that it manages to lead the human being to a meaning: reflection before the very mystery of living. In this context, questions arise such as: To what extent can philosophy contribute to rethink the religious phenomenon? How has the phenomenon of religious life been read and how should it be read? Why look again at this phenomenon in today’s world? This article will take as its main reference Heidegger’s
Phenomenology of Religious Life, a work from which some concepts of primitive Christianity could be better understood for a reflection and understanding such that the reader can analyze the meaning of religious life beyond institutions in a fundamentally mystical perspective.

Phenomenology Eschatology Religion Institution Existence Life Sense Parousia Tentatio Intuition


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Author Biography

Diego Fernando Valencia Castañeda, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Licenciado en Filosofía, Especialista en filosofía contemporánea y Magíster en Filosofía Contemporánea, Universidad de San Buenaventura – Bogotá, Colombia. Docente del Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Humanísticos (CIDEH) de la Universidad de San Buenaventura (Bogotá). Grupo de investigación: Filosofía de la Experiencia Religiosa en Maestros Franciscanos, del Centro de Pensamiento Franciscano (CEPEFRA) de la Universidad de San Buenaventura (Colombia).