Anamnesis and metanoia, categories of a new ecclesiological paradigm

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Álvaro Mejía Góez


«Yes to Christ, no to the Church». This was the motto which emerged practically after some surveys done throughout Italy by the end of the 90s. where, from 85 % of those declaring to be catholics, only 21 % admitted to believe in the Church. The problem is, therefore, not if the Church was or not founded by Christ; a subject left out for theologians to be dealt academically. What touches the cultural sensibility of the postmodern man is to be sure that the Church we affirmed has been founded by Christ is really the space where Christ could be recognized; where true freedom of the sons of God is experienced; where one could be authentically human; where the poor have a preferred status as it was during Jesus´ life. The memory loss or the crisis of history is one of the features that allows us to diagnose the sympton of lack of identity between the Christian and the concrete adaptations that Christianity has historically taken in the world. This memory loss confronts us with the blurring of what is essentially Christian, now diluted in history, driving us into a kind of «new religiosity».

New religiosity Ecclesiology Theology of Politics Narrative theology

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Author Biography

Álvaro Mejía Góez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Filósofo y Teólogo de la UPB. Magíster en Teología Fundamental de la Universidad Pontificia Gregoriana de Roma. Docente investigador de la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó. Asesor en investigación en el Área de Educación Religiosa Escolar en los colegios de La Congregación de Los Hermanos Cristianos (Lasallistas). Asesor en investigación en la Facultad de Educación de la Corporación Universitaria Lasallista (Caldas-Antioquia).