“Man is Redeemed by Love" A Reading of the Encyclical Letter Spe Salvi from the Perspective of Families’uncertainty Toward Disappeared Relatives

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Luis Fernando Arroyave Gutiérrez


“Spe salvi facti sumus” (Rm. 8,24) is an affirmation that arouses sensibility, emotions and reasons not only to be a believer but to persevere in faith among hostile situations which sometimes push to human despair. The last encyclical letter of Pope Benedict XVI may be interpreted form different classic treatises of the Christian thought. In this article, however, we pretend to say that without moving away from the soteriology, the reading of the papal document should have a starting point in the reality of thousands of families of our country who are living the tragedy of forced displaced persons, their  isappearance and kidnapping.

Encyclical letter “Spes Salvi” Church Theology Magisterial documents of the Church Social Doctrine of the Church

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Author Biography

Luis Fernando Arroyave Gutiérrez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Teólogo. Especialista en Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Magíster en Ética Social y Desarrollo Humano por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado de Santiago de Chile. Sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Medellín. Actualmente es docente Investigador del Instituto de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia de la Universidad
Pontificia Bolivariana.