Ecumenical Commitments and Social Incidence in favor of Peace
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Ecumenical dialogue, along with its spiritual and social dimension, has also a dimension of public incidence, which might be very important at the moment
of a combined contribution of the Churches to Colombia’s Peace Process. In order to take over such a role in reconciliation processes, Churches should face
internal challenges towards strengthening their networking abilities. Among the commitments to strength the networks of dialogue, we would like to mark the following: commitment to go beyond tolerance and towards community living, promotion of an open and committed dialogue, mutual acknowledgement of fraternity in Christ, the permanent development of the missionary dimension, and combined participation. In the last section of the paper, we describe the social and political tasks for the ecumenical contribution of the Churches to the reconciliation, mediation and transformation of the violent conflict in Colombia; no matter if it is the armed conflict, or everyday social, familiar and scholar violence.
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