Rabbinic traditions and the interpretation of the new testament

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Luis Heriberto Rivas


The Jewish people gathered their religious traditions together in books that, at the same time, were influenced by the culture of those locations where the gospel was brought and proclaimed. Those who wrote the New Testament transmitted the mystery of Jesus Christ in the Greek language and used concepts belonging to Hellenic culture; they also contributed with ideas, thoughts and expressions of Judaism. Some examples are presented to reveal how the works of the New Testament include ideas and expressions typical of the Hebrews. Gaining more knowledge about Jewish traditions that are in the background of the works of the Bible remains a challenge to the readers of the Holy Scriptures.

Rabbinic Traditions Hellenic Culture New Testament Biblical Interpretation


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Author Biography

Luis Heriberto Rivas, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Licenciado en Teología en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, (diciembre de 1959). Licenciado en Sagradas Escrituras por la Pontificia Comisión Bíblica del Vaticano (mayo de 1966). Profesor de Sagradas Escrituras en la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.