Praxis of incarnation in simone weil's thought
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Simone Weil (1909-1943) was a French philosopher and mystic of Jewish origin. Among her most relevant concepts, we can highlight that of incarnation, but most significant is that of praxis of incarnation, which is an option of human beings to contravene the mechanism of power, gravity and the power of the social element; which are the causes of social oppression. Thus, the article proposes a critical reading and analysis of some of her writings, such as "Reflections concerning the Causes of Liberty and Social Oppression", Waiting for God, Gravity and Grace, Supernatural Knowledge, among others. It concludes by acknowledging the importance of praxis of incarnation, which might be useful for changing personal and social life -even if it is in a slight degree- in such a way that the transcendental goods of goodness, truth, beauty and justice become incarnated within the current social order.
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