Spirituality as a Means for Human Development
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There are different manifestations within the contemporary world that define themselves as spirituality. The human being is essentially spiritual, though such a reality has dissolved itself in the religious practices. Spirituality comes from inside, it is a kind of inner force that mobilizes the dimensions of the human being. Religion aims to express such manifestations, principles and beliefs. To be spiritual is to heighten the possibilities of being infused by the world of God. Independent of the belief one might have in God, spirituality is always being ready to receive from his essence the light, strength and kindness with which the human being might be provided. However, have religion and its rites permitted the realization of this human-divine project? The purpose of God in relation to the human being is the happiness of the latter: is it possible to achieve such a purpose? The human being that is happy progresses and develops: is spirituality a means for human development? The question remains unanswered with the aim that the reader inquire into his very own existence. The purpose of the article is to understand spirituality as a means for human development.
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