Jesus Christ, Paradigm of Justice and Martyrdom, in Favor of the Poor and Marginalized

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Kreti Sanhueza


The article presents some reflections about the meaning of Jesus Christ as 'suffering servant' in relation to the reality of poverty and marginalization experienced by Latin American countries. In order to achieve such a purpose, the article considers the analysis of the praxis of Jesus, his announcement of the Kingdom of God, and his death and resurrection. Such an analysis is made based on Jon Sobrino's Christological thought, having as key concepts Justice and Martyrdom. It is revealed that in a reality of poverty and marginalization, hope for life is penalized in several occasions with repression and death. Jesus also experienced this situation. Therefore, a theologically intrinsic relation is established between the cross, justice and martyrdom as are revealed in the death of Jesus and as are assumed by the poor and marginalized.

Jesus Christ Justice Martyrdom Suffering Servant Poverty Marginalization Kingdom of God


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Article Details

Author Biography

Kreti Sanhueza, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Chilena. Religiosa Misionera Sierva del Espíritu Santo. Doctora en Teología. Profesora de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.