Human Rights and the Magisterium of Catholic Church During the Great War of the Twentieth-Century

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Juan David Velásquez Monsalve


During the last two years we have commemorated several significant events that left a mark in Contemporary History: in 2014, the First World War Centenary; in 2015, the 70th anniversary of the End of World War II; and also the anniversary of the discovery of the Nazi Concentration Camps. The purpose of the article is to review the thought of the Popes during the years in which the World Wars took place. After reviewing different documents produced by the Popes during those years (e.g., encyclicals, statements, speeches and radio
broadcasts), it is concluded that the thought of Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII was characterized by a concern for the protection of Human Rights. Such concern was not only limited to a theoretical reflection about the Rights and their grounds, but also was reflected in a fierce defense of human beings and
their dignity, by expressing complaints about the violation of Human Rights committed by ideologies, a commitment to achieve World Peace, and by protecting those who were unfairly persecuted by political regimes. After reviewing the statement, the opinions and analysis of various philosophers of the 20th century, we can get to the conclusion that in the text remains the idea that certain rights have their support not on a rule imposed by the human being, but instead by the nature of itself. This is the reason why it is understood that we are all called to respect others rights and by which men have rights that are manifested as absolute and inviolable.

Human Rights World Wars Human Dignity Benedict XV Pius, XI Pius XII.


Benedicto XV, Papa. (1914). Carta Encíclica Ad beatissimi. Roma: Editrice Vaticana.

Benedicto XV, Papa. (1917). Carta Des le debut. Roma: Editrice Vaticana.

Benedicto XV, Papa. (1919). Carta Encíclica Paterno iam diu. Roma: Editrice Vaticana.

Benedicto XV, Papa. (1920). Carta Encíclica Pacem Dei munus. Roma. Recuperado de

Martín Artajo, A. (1958). Doctrina Pontificia, Escritos políticos. Madrid: BAC.

Pío XI, Papa. (1922). Carta Encíclica Ubi arcano. Roma: Editrice Vaticana.

Pío XI, Papa. (1926). Carta Encíclica Iniquis afflictisque. Roma: Editrice Vaticana.

Pío XI, Papa. (1931a). Carta Encíclica Quadragesimo anno. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XI, Papa. (1931b). Carta Encíclica Non abbiano bisogno. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XI, Papa. (1933). Cara Encíclica Dilectissima novis. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XI, Papa. (1937a). Carta Encíclica Mit brennender sorge. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XI, Papa. (1937b). Carta Encíclica Divini Redemptoris. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1939a). Carta Encíclica Summi Pontificatus. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1939b). Radiomensaje Un'oragrave. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1939c). Discurso In questo giorno. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1940). Discurso Grazie. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1941a). Radiomensaje La solennitá della pentecoste. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1941b). Radiomensaje Nellalba. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1942). Radiomensaje Con sempre. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1944). Radiomensaje Benignitas et humanitas. Roma. Recuperado de

Pío XII, Papa. (1950). Discurso sobre la verdadera noción del Estado. Roma: Editrice Vaticana.

Pío XII, Papa. (1956). Radiomensaje L'inesauríbile mistero. Roma. Recuperado de

Article Details

Author Biography

Juan David Velásquez Monsalve

Abogado de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) de Medellín. Estudios de filosofía también en la UPB. Candidato a Magíster en Estudios Humanísticos del Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (México). Ha sido profesor de la cátedra de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universidad Católica de Oriente (UCO) de Rionegro (Antioquia). Actualmente se desempeña como Rector del colegio Sagrado Corazón Montemayor. Medellín-Colombia.