The Art of Studying as a Prelude to Knowing How to Live. An Interpretation of School Practices as Spiritual Exercises

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Edward A. Posada Gómez


The idea of Philosophy "and also of Theology" as a "way of life" makes possible a reconsideration of scholar life. From this particular perspective, common school practices such as listening, questioning, discussing, reading and writing become relevant factors that contributes to the transformation of individuals. Based on the thought of the French philosopher Pierre Hadot, the article aims to show this reality through his idea of spiritual exercises. The conclusion is that studying should go beyond being a practice in which concepts are transmitted and should become a prelude to the most fundamental piece of knowledge of human experience: knowing how to live.

School Practices Pierre Hadot Spiritual Exercises Knowing How to Live


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Author Biography

Edward A. Posada Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en filosofía de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín, 2012). Magister en Filosofía de Pontificia Universitá San Tomasso D'Aquino ANGELICUM (Roma, 2009). Magister en Teología con énfasis en Sagrada Escritura de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín, 2007). Actualmente coordinador del programa de Estudios Literarios de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia.