Between Immanence and Transcendence of the Kingdom of God: An Approach to Historical Soteriology
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The article addresses the issue of the historical action of biblical salvation in relation to the transcendental element of God that such action reveals. Currently, this issue is relevant because Christian experience tends to be privatized and disconnected of the events of history, particularly, of the fate of the poor. Therefore, the issue is considered following the ideas of Jon Sobrino and Ignacio Ellacuria. In order to present the alternative suggested by the both to such dichotomy, the article begins by considering the centrality of mediation within a historical soteriology. Then, it introduces how the divine transcendence appears in the Kingdom of God preached by Jesus. Subsequently, it highlights a feature that concretely brings together what is transcendental and historical within the Kingdom: a just life eschatologically open to a divine "more". This makes it possible to reach the unity -with no confusion and no separation- between immanence and transcendence.
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