La Iglesia, sociedad cristiana: una reflexión desde la teología de Henri de Lubac

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Carlos Mario Vargas Zuluaga


The article presents the ecclesiological thought of Henri De Lubac, who understands the Church as a Christian society. The dogma concerning the Church, that is, the understanding the Church has about herself, is lived in the clear conscience of Christian believers; but its profound meaning is preached by means of ambiguous and sometimes conflicting figures, which altogether reveal both the richness of meaning of the divine language concerning the Church and the human need for development and growth. The author presents an ecclesiology that aims to understand the Church not only as a Christian society affected by the realities of social coexistence, but as a mystic-social reality.

Paradox Society Church Mystery Recomendaciones pastorales


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Article Details

Author Biography

Carlos Mario Vargas Zuluaga, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magíster en Teología Patrística e Historia de la Teología por la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma (2010). Docente interno de la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Pontifícia Bolivariana de Medellín, Colombia. El texto contiene algunos elementos clave de su tesis con la que obtuvo el título de Maestría.