Mystical Experience and Aesthetic Experience: Affirmation of Incarnate Being
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The article aims to account for the meaningful connection between mystical experience and aesthetic experience. The conceptual basis of the article is found in the philosophical thought of Gabriel Marcel. His unsystematic philosophy -from the standpoint of aesthetics and mysticism- offers a particular perspective that makes possible to propose an alternative philosophical-theological reflection, which might come into contact with the concerns of the contemporary human being. The secular era reveals an individual who is generally unavailable to establish relationships with the Other/other, that what is constantly inviting the individual to an encounter. The aesthetical and mystical experiences, by resisting the mechanistic fantasy of the world, invite us to a subjective reflection of the existence that is always available. The availability proposed by both forms of experience is translated into a real human presence. According to this viewpoint, the human being is able to participate in a permanent dialogue with the world without ignoring or destroying the possibility of mystery. Therefore, the availability of the individual as an incarnate being who actually participates in the world makes his or her existence more satisfactory.
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