The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Aramaic as Constellation of Meaning

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Vicente Haya


The article includes a comment on the passage of the Gospel of Luke 1, 26-38 (The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary), analyzing it verbatim based on the Syriac text of Peshitta with the transcription of the Khabouris Codex by Stephen P. Silver and the writing style of the Chaldean and Assyrian Churches.

Annunciation Peshitta Gabriel Mary Angel Church of the East Khabouris Codex Chaldean Assyrian Aramaic Syriac


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Article Details

Author Biography

Vicente Haya, Universidad de Sevilla

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Sevilla, España. Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Granada, España.