AI and Digital Ethics: Real Possibilities and Questions for Latin America

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Carmen Gómez Mont


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a predominant topic. Each social, economic, and political organization has its own vision of its scope and benefits. Sometimes it borders on fascination and others with fear. We really do not know it well because it is an innovation that arrives and expands through the social sphere, integrating almost imperceptibly into the most diverse frameworks
of daily life. The GTP Chat brought her to the surface andthe positions about AI are polarized. Hence the importance of knowing in depth the context from which it arises. It will therefore be essential to analyze, in addition to its functions and scope, the pertinent questions that we must ask ourselves to understand its nature and how it can help us.

Artificial intelligence Ethics Communication Research


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Article Details

Author Biography

Carmen Gómez Mont, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctora en Ciencias políticas