The Historical Discursive Method as a Tool for the Study of the Press

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Jorge Manrique-Grisales


Since the mid-twentieth century, with the formulation of theories on the effects of the media, different methodologies have been proposed to address this object of research. This article presents the Historical Discursive Method (HDM) as a methodological tool articulated to the concepts of agenda setting, newsmaking and framing for the analysis of press archives of any era, whether physical or digital. Three published studies were reviewed in which the MHD was used: two related to information on COVID-19 in Colombia and Ecuador and another, of a historical nature, on the news agenda of the Papel Periódico de Santafé de Bogotá at the end of the eighteenth century in the viceroyalty of New Granada. It is concluded that thanks to the MHD some clues were clearly identified, in three layers of analysis, with which the press narrated reality in two different periods.

Historical Discursive Method agenda setting newsmaking Framing Theory press


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Article Details

Author Biography

Jorge Manrique-Grisales, Universidad Javeriana

PhD. en Comunicación