Modes of subjectivation from the deceleration of the digitized present: a review of Hartmut Rosa's theory

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Fernando Castro Torres


This article identifies certain modes of subjectivation typical of digital communication, from a profile resulting from in-depth interviews and the application of virtual ethnography techniques and theoretical contrast, it was possible to characterize five central aspects of the way in which the slowdown is expressed in digital communication. This shows that deceleration, a theoretical framework proposed by Hartmut Rosa (2016), can unfold in the digital world as a space/time for the existence of the 21st century subject. The slowdown is manifested in processes of intentional or unintentional disconnection with psychological, biological and sociocultural impacts that are explained in detail and that allow us to affirm that digital communication, beyond being a matter of technological impact, is a generator of meaning, of mediation. and of individuation for the human being.

Digital communication slowdown subjectivation devices technology


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Author Biography

Fernando Castro Torres, Colegiatura Colombiana

Doctor en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales