De la universitaria moral

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Nicolás Chalavazis Acosta


In recent years, proffesors have been witnessing a common practice among some of their students at the University: Some ask them unabashedly to raise their grades claiming several arguments as compassion, scholarships, or the need to maintain their grades in a certain level. After discussing it among them, proffesors agreed that when students made such proposals, they showed no regret or any shame, neither any consciousness that they were doing something wrong. Thus, academics thougth that our times maybe are testifying a growing new moral case where only matters a senseless grade to show, where the place of University, Ethics and proffessions are completely ignored and where there is no sign of any reflection of the role of knowledge.

The Theoretical Foundations’ field of the Social Communications and Journalism Faculty of the UPB, decided to conduct thoughtful discussions with the academic community to discuss the matter. This text is one of those transcriptions. It was read in March the 21st of 2013.

Ethics New morals University Meaning/ signifying moral and extra-moral sense

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