The Challenges of Communication in Social Appropriation of Knowledge, in some Significative Experiences of Social Innovation in Medellin
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The Society of Knowledge and the globalization have made arise new logics in the social processes of knowledge. One of them is the increasing value of the colaborative constructed knowledge inside development processes and social innovation. This knowledge is assumed even as a part of the cognitive capital and of Relational Capital on most recent economic schemes.
The topic of the social innovation takes prevalence in a country as Colombia, where the social gaps are so diverse as her population and where the needs of social change have been commented from the whiteness of the 20th century. Finding sense to these new logics can allow us to go beyond the classic concepts of social change to generate other alternative perspectives about development. But, which is the role of Social Communication? Which are the challenges of Social Communication in the relation between collective knowledge, Cognitive Capital and social innovation?
This text seeks to present a reflection on the deep relations between communication and social appropriation of knowledge as a key in the consolidation of a share capital, in concrete experiences of social innovation of the Metropolitan area of Medellin, from the first phase of Research project named “Appropriation And Promotion Of The Social Innovation In The Department Of Antioquia”, realized by Catolica del Norte Foundation and Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
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