Characterization of the health module of the 123 system for traffic accident attention in the city of Medellín

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Cindy Zuluaga Ramírez
Ana Cortés Ballesteros
Sebastián Medina Rivera
Juan Duque Pérez
Santiago Upegui Estrada
Mateo Ochoa Franco
Jorge Cohen Cajiao
Diego Abreo Leal


Objective: To characterize the traffic accident attention in the city of Medellín in order to obtain a general image of the health situation in this context.

Methodology: Observational descriptive study, with analytic intent, of secondary information sources in patients with age higher or equal to 16 years of age, served by the 123 personnel, health module, who were victims of traffic accidents in Medellín.

Results: A total of 3 829 individuals suffered traffic accidents between October and December of 2018 according to the study criteria. Of these, 63.1% were males, with an average age of 34 years old. The zone with the highest demand of pre-hospital attention was the Comuna 10 of the city (known as La Candelaria) and most of the affected by the accidents were as drivers, 64%, and 75% of the cases, the vehicle involved was a motorcycle. Only 26.5% of the patients were discharged on the scene. The extremities were the body zones with the highest compromise in 78.2% of the episodes, followed by the cranium and the face, with 26.8%

Conclusions: It is evident that the city needs to implement and evaluate the impact of dynamic strategies that enable an efficient management of the resources that prioritizes the zones and demographic groups with the highest risk and the articulation of the disposition of patients within the attention chain, according to the most frequent types of injuries.

accidents traffic extremities craniocerebral trauma prehospital care


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Author Biographies

Cindy Zuluaga Ramírez, CES University

CES University. Medellin Colombia.

Ana Cortés Ballesteros, CES University

CES University. Medellin Colombia.

Sebastián Medina Rivera, CES University

CES University. Medellin Colombia.

Juan Duque Pérez, CES University

CES University. Medellin Colombia.

Santiago Upegui Estrada, CES University

CES University. Medellin Colombia.

Mateo Ochoa Franco , CES University

CES University. Medellin Colombia.

Jorge Cohen Cajiao , CES University

CES University. Medellin Colombia.

Diego Abreo Leal, Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital

Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital. Medellin Colombia.

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