IgA Nephropathy: The Main Primary Glomerulonephritis In The World

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Andrés Eduardo Toro Montoy
Cristian Camilo Benítez Restrepo
Lina María Martínez Sánchez


IgA nephropathy is a mesangial proliferative glomerular disease, mediated by immune complexes, due to the deposition of type A globulin; it is regarded as the first cause of primary glomerulonephritis in the world. It is estimated that it affects 1.3% of the population. Its incidence is variable, being estimated in Asia in 29%, in Australia 12%, in Europe 10% and in the United States 10-15%. It is more frequent in men than in women in a relation of 6:1 to 10:1 and it occurs mainly between 16 to 40 years of age. It is a glomerulopathy which has a variable clinical course and which can lead to end stage renal disease, with the social and financial consequences that it brings. Nowadays, there is more knowledge about the evolution, risk factors for the development of end stage renal insufficiency and new therapeutic alternatives; that is why it is important to establish this patients’ clinical and histopathological characteristics to determine the behavior of the population with this disease and define the most appropriate treatment, individually and collectively.

Glomerulonephritis, IgA , prognosis kidney diseases proteinuria


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Author Biographies

Andrés Eduardo Toro Montoy, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Medicine student at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Research Seedbed School of Medicine (SIFAM).

Cristian Camilo Benítez Restrepo, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, SIFAM.

Lina María Martínez Sánchez, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Bacteriologist, Esp. In Hematology and Blood Bank. Research Seed Coordinator of the Faculty of Medicine (SIFAM). Professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

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